Everyday more and more poker enthusiasts find their way to poker tables for cash games and tournaments around the world. And once seated their number one concern is the expertise of the dealer and floor staff. Just as important is the attitude toward them as customers. TK Poker Events focuses equally on technical expertise for all games and customer service in training sessions that every member of the TK team undergoes. It doesn’t matter if your employees need to learn to deal from scratch or if they just need advanced training, TK Poker Events will tailor training programs to your specific needs and objectives.
Please contact us to find out about TK’s training programs for new employees and for advanced training to develop further the skills of your card room personnel.
To learn more about the services TK Poker can provide for you, please check the list bellow. For any further questions or details please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please give us a call or drop us an email.