TK Poker was founded with a commitment to provide poker rooms and tournament organizers with outstanding staff for their events.
TK Poker Management Team has grown from a single proprietorship to a four person senior management team with more than 30 years of experience in recruiting dealers and floor staff for the most prestigious tournaments and special poker events around the world. The TK Poker Management Team evaluates from its worldwide network of exceptionally proficient dealers and floor staff those who are best matched for your event.
Likewise, dealers and floor staff know they can rely on TK Poker for the best working conditions and fair pay for their outstanding service. This allows the Company to attract the best people and insures that TK Personnel Teams give their very best efforts to TK clients.TK Poker demands of its team members, excellence in dealing skills and also a full commitment to outstanding customer service plus a corporate outlook that protects and enhances the image of its clients.Members of the TK Poker Personnel Team share the core values of TK Poker: excellence, integrity, courtesy and a strong work ethic – which means doing far more than is necessary – always going the extra miles.
To learn more about the services TK Poker can provide for you, please check the list bellow. For any further questions or details please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please give us a call or drop us an email.